Aye aye, Beloved People!
This is my first article in February 2012. On this occasion, I want to share something about Valentine's day, especially on this day coincides with Valentine's day.
Talk about Valentine's day which has the main meaning about expressing love to someone special or beloved people, it's good to be celebrated. Usually, expressing love on Valentine's day is identically with giving flower, candy, chocolate, or gift to other people. Besides that, usually picture of heart and red colour dominating the day of Valentine.
In some countries, the tradition of celebrating Valentine's day is variable and unique. They have their own way to express their love to the people they love. Eventhough not all countries over the world celebrate the Valentine's day, the spirit of Valentine also fulfill Indonesia. In Indonesia, there are some people who want to celebrate the Valentine's day, and there are also some people who don't avow the day. However, the most important thing is the spirit of Valentine's day, which is love to love other people should be always fulfill our heart and mind. Everybody may have their own opinion about Valentine's day, but the essence of real love in our life should be there in every single day we live.
Well, I want to show You about the history of Valentine's day. You may check it out by opening this link below:
Thanks for Your attention by reading this article. Hopefully the article may be valuable for us.
Happy Valentine's day, People! Love to love. God bless us.
With love,
Rain J. S.
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