Thursday, 19 January 2012

Sharing about My Birthday Moment in 2012

Monday, 19th January 2012

Now I want to share about my birthday moment on 15th January 2012. Actually I wanted to share about it on my birth date, but because of something and many things, I have just had a time for doing it now.

Well, please let me tell You that I was so grateful for my birthday moment in this year because I was health and could assemle with my beloved family, Shara Christanti Manalu (my beloved partner), and having a quality time with them. Talking about the quality time, my birth date was on Sunday, then I went with my beloved partner to church on the day. We enjoyed the praise and worship at the church. We learned to understand about the God's words in our life. During the worship, there was also an allotment of gift to everybody who have a birthday in January, so I joined to be prayed by the priest then I got a gift. I was happy for the moment.

After we enjoyed the praise and worship, we went to a cozy place to have a lunch, but unfortunately we faced the rain during our time to go to the place, moreover we should waiting at the shelter until the rain stopped. As the short story, we were at the cozy place, it was a restaurant. Wow! What a nice moment to have a lunch with my beloved partner on my birthday! (My mind talked). Then, we had a lunch and we talked and shared each other about many things. We filled the moment with laugh and smile, and of course with prayers. It was a real quality time!

When we had finished our lunch, we decided to go home and have a chit-chat at Shara's home with enjoying ice cream. Finally, we arrived at Shara's home, then we ate the ice cream. She ate the cup ice cream and I ate the stick ice cream. The sweet taste of the ice cream felt like made our moment sweet perfectly! (Oh sorry may be I'm hyperbole! But it was real! Hehe..).

Anyway, Shara gave me some presents for my birthday. The presents are useful, unique, and impressive for me! I'm so appreciate it! I hope I can use and keep the presents well. (Once again, thanks a lot, Shara my Dear!). Hmm...I want to realize my gratefulness by appearing one of the unique present which I got from her. Please look at the picture below:

Do You know what is it??
It is a caricature of me! She knows that I like The Netherland football team (KNVB), so she made it uniquely for me! Yeah, it is awesome! What an impressive present! :)

So, after I had a quality time with my beloved partner, I went home and I had a worship with my father, mother, and my two sisters for celebrating my birthday. We prayed and made a wish for me, for my better life in the future.

Well, it was a nice and memorable moment for me! I'm so grateful for it! I also would like to thank You to everyone and everybody who remembered my birthday and gave me a birthday greeting and prayer! Whatever will be happen, I wish we will always be grateful and joyful for our life because God has the best plan for our life! Just believe, keep surrender in prayer, and don't be shocked for the great wonderful shoot from God!


Rain J. S.

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